professionelle Anschlag- und Hebemittel für Industrie und Handwerk

good advice

costs nothing here

pdf documents for download


We generally deliver all of our products with the associated documentation: factory certificates, manufacturer declarations and (brief) instructions for use, some of which are located directly on the product.

If the detailed original operating instructions are no longer available, you can download and print out your copy here as a PDF file.

  • Anschlagmittel wie Stahldrahtseile, Anschlagketten, Hebebänder, Rundschlingen und Faserseile
    Lifting slings
  • wg300px-Zubehör
    Accessories for load attachment
  • wg300px-LAM
    Load handling equipment
  • wg300px-PSA
    PPE against falling from height

Correct handling

the first step to avoiding accidents!

Load tables for chain slings

Load tables for wire rope slings

important regulations

to read

Professional association rules

Operating load-carrying equipment and slings in hoist operations

Employment law information